#LexPort15 Presentation Materials on Web Design and Marketing
January 1, 2014Thanks to the Missouri Bar for having us present on web design and web marketing at the #LexPort15 conference recently.…How to Live Tweet a Public Meeting
December 24, 2013If you work for a membership organization, a policy group, or a civic organization, you may find yourself working round-the-clock…On Facebook, Do What Works
December 24, 2013Facebook is this big to your business, even if you don’t use it yet. Most Missouri businesses and organizations know…Get Found on Facebook: A Strategy for Businesses
December 23, 2013How well do you think this is working for their #SocialMedia efforts? #RocketGroup A photo posted by Gus Wagner (@wagnergus)…How to Get Hired Online
December 19, 2013Gus Wagner of The Rocket Group speaks to Jeff City Start in Jefferson City, Missouri on the controversial topic of…Video: Missouri Travel Council MTCED13
April 19, 2013Below is the SlideRocket presentation from our April 18th presentation to the Missouri Travel Council. The video from this talk…Meet RAZ Mobile
February 11, 2013During our recent Social:IRL statewide tour, we became admirers of the team behind RAZ Mobile. We are happy to announce…Mid-MO PRSA Presentation Slides
January 28, 2013The Slides from the presentation we gave at the Mid-MO Public Relations Society of America on January 24, 2013 in…The Best Way to Get Facebook Likes
January 28, 2013With the Graph Search, algorithm improvements, and one billion users on Facebook there will be more and more pressure on…Social In Real Life Highlight Video
January 21, 2013Highlights from and testimonials about the Social:IRL Social Media for Non-Profits events held in Jefferson City in December of 2012.