Category: Social Media

  • Job Seeking on LinkedIn

    December 20, 2015
    Since the #31DaysOfLinkedIn launched, there have been several improvements made by LinkedIn in favor of job seekers. You are welcome.nnNamely,…
  • Who Viewed My LinkedIn Profile?

    December 20, 2015
    One of the difference makers of LinkedIn as a social media platform is its transparency. One of the major transparency…
  • LinkedIn Pulse on LinkedIn

    December 18, 2015
    The #31DaysOfLinkedIn Posts from @RocketGroup #31DaysOfLinkedIn – Introduction and Recap A Look at LinkedIn Endorsements and Recommendations Add Project Details…
  • Building Relationships on LinkedIn

    December 17, 2015
    There are many steps you can take after setting up your LinkedIn profile to build relationships with your current and…
  • Should LinkedIn Be Fun?

    December 16, 2015
    A recent response to a #31DaysOfLinkedIn tweet led to the discussion in this post. Thanks, Ross Kasmann, for the conversation.…
  • Want to Get Found on LinkedIn?

    December 14, 2015
    Throughout these early #31DaysOfLinkedIn, we have focused on what you can do to be more proactive and what you can do…
  • Professionally Mingling on LinkedIn

    December 13, 2015
    Throughout the #31DaysOfLinkedIn, we’ve talked about how to best act as an individual on LinkedIn through actions, content creation, and…
  • Manage Your LinkedIn Activities

    December 11, 2015
    You’ll need to apply some strategy to the content you post and interact with on Linkedin. Gus Wagner, in this…
  • Comparing LinkedIn Audiences to Other Social Platforms through @GaryVee

    December 10, 2015
    One of the “heavyweights” of social media has rolled out a new feature since the beginning of #31DaysOfLinkedIn and we…
  • Optimize Your LinkedIn Headline

    December 9, 2015
    One of the easiest things to do on LinkedIn is to optimize your headline. Yet is is overlooked by too…