
The 6 Don’ts of Christmas on Social Media

Today, we were part of a panel for the Jefferson City Young Professionals about “Do’s and Don’ts for the Holiday Season.”

Our assignment was to present some Don’ts regarding Social Media during this most wonderful time of the year. Video of the presentation is above and bullet points are below.

  • Don’t be stingy: We have said, posted, and tweeted a million times the two most powerful words in Social Media are “Thank You.” If you had a great shopping experience tweet about it using the @ handle of the merchant. Love the bunny suit Grandma made for you – well tag her in your Facebook photo. Sue these tools to say thank you to the people and companies who take care of you. It’s guaranteed to make your heart grow three sizes.
  • Don’t Forget the Dudes: Edison Research released another study this week on social habits. One point gaining a lot of traction right now is that Men are 13% more likely to buy something they pin on Pinterest then women. Retailers should be featuring products for their male shoppers on their new brand pinboards just as much as products for females.
  • Don’t be Shy: Take photos and post them. Make a video and post it. These types of content drive interaction at much higher rates than just words alone. Plus you are getting a chance to show your friends and fans how and with whom you celebrate your holidays with. The more they know you the closer they feel to you. Relationships have been created!
  • Don’t be Lost: No matter if you stay home or hit the road for the holidays, include the geotag of your location. Putting a #JCMO or other designation in your content on twitter will add you to the conversation and let folks know you are active on a local level. Also, you can use those #’s to see what others are up to online in your backyard…or Grandma’s.
  • Don’t be a Grinch: I think everyone is tired of reading other people’s drama on their Social Media and the holidays are no exception. If you have nothing nice to say about your family, the restaurant, or the airline you are on don’t post/tweet/link anything at all. Unless it’s a funny story or an egregious action, it’s better saved for the water cooler. Smiles everyone!
  • Don’t be a Drunk: We have a rule in our house and our company: 2 drinks, no tweets. I know I get funnier the more eggnog I have but I also get louder and more frequent. You probably do too. Social Media, with its long digital tails and diamond like memories, is not the place for drunken ramblings. I look in the mirror as I type this!

That was my talk and people seemed to enjoy it. Let me know your Do’s and Don’ts in the comments below.

Merry Christmas!

Gus Wagner

Gus Wagner is the President.Owner of The Rocket Group – an award-winning marketing and communications firm headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri which serves clients across North America. The Rocket Group has specialized in building effective tools across traditional means and new media for clients in businesses, organizations, and nonprofits since 2001. Gus is also a five-time certified Social Media Strategist, a former Chief of Staff in the Missouri State Senate, a retired national champion amateur hockey coach, and a would like to be a singer/songwriter.