We talk a lot about social media here at The Rocket Group. That is because there is still an enormous learning curve taking place every day with the platforms of social. All business marketers recognize that social does not stand alone as the only marketing tool. All of your marketing tools should be used to drive audiences to your website.
In olden days, businesses were never reliant on their phone number being listed in the phone book. They supported their brand name and product with newspaper, direct mail and electronic media. Those tools are still used (and we still develop for them) in conjunction with social media to drive audiences to the point of purchase: your storefront or your website.
You should never put all of your marketing budget into one egg in your business communications basket. Businesses, organizations, and campaigns should still invest in the tools which work best to reach their target demographic. It will never exclusively be one method of communication.
Driving your audience to your website also means you get the chance to encourage them to sign up for your email list (ahem, up to the right at the top of this page, ahem) and once you have that you have an almost complete relationship with your customer. If they have Liked you on Facebook, followed you on Twitter, and signed up for your emails there isn’t much left for you to do to connect with them digitally.
Or is there?
Now the hard work begins of publishing consistent and valuable content which will keep them from unsubscribing or unfollowing you. Focus on creating content which can be used in different formats across your digital communications. Make a post to your blog then format the message correctly for posting to Facebook, tweeting, and email so that the audience who sees it clicks your link and is driven to your website.
By keeping your connections strong and valuable to the customer and publishing as much social, print, and email content that is linked back to your website you will find yourself with a success story.
If we can help you launch that success story, please feel to contact us at any time!