
Get Found on Facebook: A Strategy for Businesses

How well do you think this is working for their #SocialMedia efforts? #RocketGroup

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Everyone wants more friends, likes, and followers in social media…and whatever Google is calling theirs…for their businesses, campaigns, and efforts. Many businesses are making basic Facebook Page mistakes that you can avoid by following the Facebook search tips in this post.
One common call to action I see repeatedly in print and even local television advertising is the icon below:

It doesn’t work like that. Not well at least.

With that call to action, a customer might find you on Facebook if you are the only business with your name on the platform. But they might just as well find a similar-named firm in another region of Missouri, they may find nothing, or they may find a sneaky competitor of yours.

What is the proper way to promote your Facebook presence in real life? It’s by using your full URL. For example, ours on

Let’s assume that your customers are able to find your Facebook Page online. What are some of the common Facebook Business Page mistakes they might find when they get there?

  • The last time you updated your Page was over two months ago.
  • You have a Facebook Profile instead of a Facebook Page (a Cardinal Sin.)
  • The purpose of your business or organization has gotten lost.
  • You haven’t engaged with your Fans.
  • Your Fans have no idea what your brand stands for.

Your business can distinguish itself from others by responding to posts, answering customer questions, and otherwise interacting with your Fans on Facebook in a way that’s true to your purpose and authentic to your brand.

If you’re really serious about Facebook, here’s some more food for thought:

  • Empower someone dedicated to social media to manage your account.
  • Unlink your twitter tweets and your Facebook posts. They are two different audiences. And your ‘more than #140’ tweets are getting lost. Share the same info, just in different ways.
  • If you are going to schedule, which is ok to do, schedule at minimum two posts a day. Just like Raisin Bran it will do you good. Don’t lump all of your posts together at the same time of day or on one day of the week.
  • Ask questions. Customers will become accustomed to answering your questions. And when they do, you’ve engaged your customers with your brand.
  • Even if you aren’t on social media, your customers and prospects are, and they’re talking about your efforts and your business. Engage with them by paying attention to what they have to say and responding.

Just like everything else in your business life, social media is a commitment. You must commit to using it well, and to adapting to its constantly changing landscape.  Your goal in social media should be to constantly test your methods, content, and timing to see what works best for your organization. And just when you think you’ve figure it all out, it’s probably time to test again. That’s how quickly social media platforms like Facebook can change.

Need help? We’re here.

Thanks for the time,

Gus Wagner

Gus Wagner is the President.Owner of The Rocket Group – an award-winning marketing and communications firm headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri which serves clients across North America. The Rocket Group has specialized in building effective tools across traditional means and new media for clients in businesses, organizations, and nonprofits since 2001. Gus is also a five-time certified Social Media Strategist, a former Chief of Staff in the Missouri State Senate, a retired national champion amateur hockey coach, and a would like to be a singer/songwriter.