
Get Your Name for Christmas

What do you want to findnunderneath your Christmas tree and what do you really need?

Now that all of the BlacknFriday’s and Cyber Monday’s are over. I would suggest you should ask Santa fornyour name. Well, at least your online one.

You have probably Googlednyourself before to see what the internet has to say about you but have you evernlooked up to see if your personal name (Gus Wagner for example) is available asna domain? Chances are it might be available and, if so, you should grab it nownas an investment in yourself.

Most registry services, we currently prefer GoDaddy, allow you to register your domain name for around $10 a year.nIt gets more affordable as you add years to your subscription as well.

Owning your own name also allowsnyou to have a truly personalized email address like, ornsimilar. It’s the 21st century and you shouldn’t be using AOL, Gmail, or for your professional email address. TWEET THIS

What else can you do with yournpersonalized domain? You can create your own website about yourself and yournprofessional or personal achievements or you can point the domain to go to yournLinkedIn or Facebook account thereby making it easier for people to find you.

So unless you want your name tonbe owned by someone else with your name, or someone that just wants to own yournname, be sure to ask Santa for your domain for Christmas. TWEET THIS

Or just buy it for yourself!

Gus Wagner

Gus Wagner is the President.Owner of The Rocket Group – an award-winning marketing and communications firm headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri which serves clients across North America. The Rocket Group has specialized in building effective tools across traditional means and new media for clients in businesses, organizations, and nonprofits since 2001. Gus is also a five-time certified Social Media Strategist, a former Chief of Staff in the Missouri State Senate, a retired national champion amateur hockey coach, and a would like to be a singer/songwriter.