
Good, Fast, and/or Cheap

One of the few things I remember from business school is the theory of The Golden Triangle: “You can have two of the three – Good, Fast, or Cheap – but you can’t have all three.”

When it comes to our graphic design work, we have been recognized by clients and peers for producing work that stands out and gets noticed. In fact, one of our political associates (whom we have never actually worked with professionally) once told me: “I always know when I see one of your logos because it looks so much better than everything else out there on yard signs.”

After I was done blushing, I explained how our creative approach allows us to produce the GOOD work we do.

We aren’t FAST though. Sure we have cranked out very nice websites in less than 24 hours. Heck, the first stage of one of our most notable and awarded projects, the 2007 Tour of Missouri website, was produced in less than 48 hours.


Those are special cases, but our normal production time for a website is around 15 working days…give or take a few. That’s because we don’t pawn off templates to our clients. All of our work is original, so you never have to worry that your website, print materials or logo look like anyone else’s – especially your competitors. Our logo development has a shorter lead time, but we work to get inside the client’s head to know exactly what they want and expect as we develop the identity tool that will define them for years to come.

When it comes to CHEAP, we work to make things affordable.

Overall, we’re competitive. But we have run into a few bid situations recently where, honestly, the prospect had sticker shock. One project for a one-page website – with custom photography, a year’s worth of hosting, a secure content management system, Social Media integration, personal training, and original design – was deemed “incredibly over-priced” at $1100.00. The prospect said he was going to go out and get one built by a friend of his son for $200.00.

But that’s okay. When his son’s friend moves away for college or fails to make his website a priority, we’ll still be here and up-to-date on the latest tools to help his business succeed.

Just as we have since 2001.

The marketing and communications work we do is performed by a dynamic, educated and experienced team. The products we create for you will be original, function above your expectations and be completed in a timely manner to fit your schedule – all within the budget you approved. That’s what our professionals deliver to you – GREAT, Reasonably FAST, and AFFORDABLE.

Gus Wagner

Gus Wagner is the President.Owner of The Rocket Group – an award-winning marketing and communications firm headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri which serves clients across North America. The Rocket Group has specialized in building effective tools across traditional means and new media for clients in businesses, organizations, and nonprofits since 2001. Gus is also a five-time certified Social Media Strategist, a former Chief of Staff in the Missouri State Senate, a retired national champion amateur hockey coach, and a would like to be a singer/songwriter.