Something we see a lot of on Facebook is brand pages, be they for companies, organizations or non-profits, upload 6, 12, 24 or more photos at the same time. This is an allowed practice but it is not the best practice for Facebook success. Let’s look at why.
Newsfeed success
When you upload multiple images at once, only a few will be shown in the newsfeed of your fans. If they see themselves or a friend in these photos they may click the ‘see more’ link but chances are, and statistics prove, they won’t. You’ve just wasted valuable time posting photos no one will ever look at.

TRGrule: Keep the photo uploads to 4-6 pics at a time. You’ve now stretched one post of 24 pics into four posts of 6 pics each!
Description success
If, and when, you do load multiple images be sure to personalize each one with a description of the event, who is in the pic and what they are doing. This prevents your audience from asking “who are these people and why do I care?” to one that appreciates your efforts. You would do it with your personal profile, wouldn’t you?

Tag, you’re it
If you are personal friends with folks in your pictures, be sure to tag them so you photos get more traction in the newsfeed. Another tip is to tag and mention other business pages in your photos. Tag the convention hall you held your meeting in and “@” mention your vendors who made the event a success. This is proven to help you increase your organic reach and promotes your brand to new prospects in the process.
Quality over quantity
Another rule to remind you of is that its always better to post a small number of great photos than a large number of crappy pics. Everything you post in social media, and online, reflects upon the image of your brand. If you post 4 great photos and 54 blurry pics of the same six people at your event you are projecting a very bad image of yourself.
We are not the first blog to recommend using a mostly free tool like PicMonkey to make sure your images are the correct size, have the best color levels, and are free of red-eyes and other blemishes.