When tv shows or movies start telling the story of the work you do, be prepared for the public to be misinformed about your legitimacy as a capable professional. We deal with all the time with client’s work and our own work. We see it happen on a daily basis as the public (your customers) get their opinions formed by what they see on small and silver screens.
What’s In This For Me: Remember that the outside perception is always greater than the inside reality. It is your job, or ours if you hire us, to get them as close together as possible.
Video highlights:
- Does Law and Order frame the public’s perception of the criminal justice system?
- Does Grey’s Anatomy from the public’s perception of the staff in medical facilities?
- How House of Cards impacts the perception of politics and government in America.
- How and why creators like David Finch don’t care about your profession or industry.
- Most of the public forms its opinions and perceptions based on what Hollywood shows them in tv shows and movies and what you can do about it.
Remember, this LAUNCH series contains stories and experiences from my own decades in business, marketing, politics, and government. If you’d like to talk more about these, email me at Gus@RocketGroupLLC.com, tweet me (where I will catch up the fastest) @RocketGroup, send up a flare, whatever, let’s talk.
Thanks for the time,