When Should I Be Posting to My Social Media and Web Platforms?
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)The short answer is always, “When your fans are online” and the longer answer is contained in the video above. Let’s discuss best strategies for posting content to social media and the web.You may also be interested in these posts:Quick! Look at your #Facebook Insights’s “When Your Fans Are Online” tab. Does it look like a whale? Now that you have done this, be sure to post when YOUR fans are online not when YOU are online! #TRGRules
Posted by The Rocket Group on Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Read more...What to Do and Not Do With Your Interns and Social Media
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)nn Having interns for your business/organization/nonprofit can be a great thing. It can also be a disaster if you handle them incorrectly. Gus Wagner discusses three missions to do and not do with your interns when it comes to social media.nn
Things you should watch out for with your interns:
Things you can learn from your interns:
As I said in the video, our history with hiring and working interns has been fantastic. To this day, many still make me proud when I see how far many of them have gone in their professional and personal lives. You should never pass up the opportunity to work with qualified interns of your own.How have your experiences been so far? Email me at, tweet me (where I will catch up the fastest) @RocketGroup, send up a flare, whatever, let’s talk about them!Read more...Always Carry A Spare in Social Media
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)At some point in your social media life, you are going to wish there was more than one person with access to your accounts, profiles, and content. Gus Wagner discusses the why’s and how’s in this video.Other points:- The link to our FAQ page is above or you can click here if you are more inclined.
- Click this link to learn how to add an admin to your Facebook page.
- While you are in your admin functions on Facebook, pay attention to your Insights!
Need help with other social media or marketing needs? Reach outanytime ! We’re here to help!Read more...Twitter Success Story: Tweet with a Smile
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)Your state of mind at the time of your tweet (or post, or blog, or upload) shows in the tone of your content. The simple mental trick I describe above, and the reasons for it, will help you to find success on Twitter and other social media platforms.Check out these other posts for even more keen insights to help you along your way:What tips for Twitter success would you like to share? Leave those answers in the comments below, Tweet me, or drop a line at any time.Thanks for reading,Read more...Live Tweet Your Meetings, Events, & Experiences
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)If you are hosting or attending conferences, events, even concerts, you should be active on social media during those events to reach audiences, build relationships, and offer value to the audiences you already have. Watch the video above to get your act together!Other thoughts and links:- I mention our previous “How to live tweet a public meeting” post. There is the link.
- Be dang sure you are plugged into the official hashtag of the event, the local geographic area, and keywords so you # the right terms.
- A tool we use to monitor conversation at events, outside of Hootsuite, is Check it out.
- Be sure to go through and favorite and follow the other folks in the room who are tweeting the same event.
- While you can “live tweet” on Facebook, it is not recommended. Your friends and family don’t want to see 100 tweets about the insurance seminar you are attending. Your Twitter followers, which are probably more professional, will be more interested.
- Be sure to tweet photos from the events, even if you are not in them. The old adage, “pics or it didn’t happen,” still has truth to it.
Thanks for reading and be feel free to reach out to me anytime!Read more...Public Speaking: What’s in the "Go Bag"?
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)Gus Wagner comes prepared to speak at your event. His “Go Bag” holdsback up supplies and equipment for almost any snag which might hit your event so the planned presentation still runs smoothly.Read more...Your Business’s Biggest Asset Isn’t What You Think
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)When I was in business school, they taught us about the Golden Triangle: Good, Fast, and Cheap. They taught us that we needed to “own” two of those things. We could own Good and Fast or Fast and Cheap, but we didn’t need to own all three.
These days, we live in a consumer-driven marketplace where two out of three isn’t enough. Consumers want it all: they want it good, they want it fast, and they want it cheap. If you can’t provide them with all three of those things, you won’t be in business long.
We also live in a global marketplace. You are in competition with big box retailers and big online entities even if you’re a small, local shop. How do you separate yourself from big box stores? How do you become a successful business when your competition is big and your customers want it all?
The Secret to Building a Strong Business
The secret to building a strong business in a competitive, consumer-driven marketplace is to put your personality into your business operations. Whether it’s your own personality or your corporate culture, make sure you’re known for how you do business just as much as you’re known for the products or services you offer.
Are you a fun-loving guy who sells widgets? Infuse fun into your store so that every time someone shops there, it’s a blast. People will quickly learn that they’re going to have a heck of a good time doing business with
you, and that their purchasing experience will befun as a result.Are you a rock-steady dame who can “own” helpfulness and customer service? Do it! Show your customers that when they do business with you, your service, your steadiness, and your helpfulness carry over into every part of your business — from what goes on online to what happens on the shop floor, to how you manage your phone calls. Be the rock steady business in your trade.
Make yourself human to you customers, and they’ll want to do business with you. When you bring your personality into your business, your customers will build the kinds of relationships with you that will inspire them to go out of their way to buy from your store or hire you for the service they need fulfilled.
Your Biggest Asset
Bringing your personality into your business turns doing business with you from a transaction into an experience. And when customers have a great experience doing business with you, it builds their trust.
Your biggest asset in your business isn’t what you sell, it’s your personality. Put yourself into your brand, put yourself into your social media, and put yourself into your real world interactions, and you’ll be a lot more successful than that big box retailer online or down the road. Put some personality into your business and they will come, they will most definitely come.
Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, give us a shout out there in comments below this blog post. I’m Gus Wagner, I own The Rocket Group and I look forward to learning more about your personality soon.
Thanks a lot!
Read more...HAM is Simple Way to Convince Your Audience to Take Action
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)Gus Wagner speaking at the Simonsen Business Academy in Jefferson City, Missouri
What if we told you that the two simple things you needed to do to persuade your audience to make the decision you want them to make both amounts to something as simple as HAM? Yes, HAM.
What we’ve learned at The Rocket Group is that HAM is what persuasion is all about.
How do you make people buy a product, advocate for a
cause, or vote for a candidate? Whether you hope that a consumer will buy something or become a fan ofsomething, or whether you hope a constituent will vote for something, the same two things have to happen: you need to capture that person’s heart and their mind. You need to win their ham.Whether it’s an idea, an issue, a person, a
product, or anything else you’re trying to convince someone about, you need to win their hearts and their minds. Win the heart and you’ve won the emotional appeal; win the head and you’ve won the logical appeal. Win them both, and you’ve got their vote, theirtransaction, or their donation.If you can convince somebody’s HAM, you’ll have them in your wheelhouse to make the purchase that you want them to make, make the decision that you want them to
make, or to vote for the candidate you want them to vote for.Need help finding the hearts and minds of your current, potential, and future audiences? Drop a line anytime!
Read more...Please Enter Your Pin, Followed By the Hashtag
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)One thing that we do here at The Rocket Group is present. We give trainings, we speak at meetings, and we teach at conferences. We educate, inform and entertain our audiences when we have the microphone, but sometimes, our audiences educate, inform, or entertain us, instead.
When I spoke at the Jefferson City West Rotary Club, I was introduction by Stephanie Johnson, the President of the Rotary Club. Jill shared a story about calling a business and being asked for her pin number.
“It was an automated voice,” Stephanie said. “Normally you hear, ‘Please enter your pin or account number followed by the pound sign,’ but this little-automated voice said to me, ‘Please enter your pin followed by the hashtag.’ We are living in a Gus Wagner world,’” she said. “We have evolved.”
I was so flattered by Stephanie’s words, “We are living in Gus Wagner world. We have evolved.”
It just goes to show that social media doesn’t stop on Twitter or Facebook or YouTube. Social media has infiltrated our culture, and businesses, organizations, and nonprofits that want to be relevant in a social media world will embrace social media culture if they haven’t done so yet.
Listen to what else Stephanie has to say about The Rocket Group in this video clip, and in the meantime, if you’d like to have me speak to your group, business or convention, just hit the speaking and training link above!
Read more...How to Use Your Facebook Insights
Gus Wagner - Comment (0)Facebook gives you everything you need to know about how your content is working—and when it’s working—absolutely free in its Facebook Insights. Unfortunately, most businesses, organizations, and nonprofits I’ve talked to don’t use their Insights.
If your business wants to get ahead of the competition (most of which isn’t using Insights), keep reading. I’ll tell you what your Facebook Insights are, where to find them, and what the most important thing is that you can use Insights for.
First, you need to find your Insights. When you look at your company’s Facebook page, Insights is right there at the top. Click on the Insights button, and you’ll be sent to the Insights start page. When something bumps or spikes in your content, you’ll see it here.
From that Start Page, you’ll see “Likes”, “Reach”, “Visits”, “Posts”, and “People” at the top. If you click on any one of these buttons, you’ll see more information about each of those analytics.
Read this: Quit Liking Things on Facebook
Insights shows you page likes, page reach, and even complaints about spam. It shows you what posts people have responded best to, and it shows you how they’ve interacted with them. You can see how your paid posts performed alongside your organic posts, too. Insights helps you track what kind of content is most successful. When you know what works, you can do more of that and less of what doesn’t work.
I promised you I’d tell you what the most important thing is that you can use Insights for. The most important thing you can use Insights to figure out is when your friends are online. The sweetest spot to post on Facebook here in mid-Missouri is between 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. That’s when people are at home, multi-screening, playing on the computer, or checking Facebook before bed, and that’s when you should publishing your best content.
I am sure its the same where you are.
One last note here about using Facebook to promote your business: when you say “find our business on Facebook” in advertising, but you don’t put your Facebook URL, it doesn’t work. The reason it doesn’t work is that your business isn’t the only one in the world by the same name. If you don’t give fans your full URL, they’re likely to like a business with the same name as yours, but in some other city or state.
Learn more: Get Found on Facebook – A Strategy for Businesses
If you’re going to spend money promoting your Facebook page, give the reader your full Facebook URL. For instance, if I were advertising our Facebook page for The Rocket Group, I’d use the full URL: And once you get people onto your page, use Insights to track what’s working and what isn’t for your business’s content.
If your business needs a hand getting started with Insights, feel free to reach out anytime. For more social media help, follow, Like, and subscribe to our platform!
Thanks for the time,